The Corporation of the Village of Point Edward

Water/Waste Water treatment Plant Committee


  • Councillor T. Mondoux,
  • Mayor B. Hand,
  • Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) J. Burns,
  • Environmental Services Manager J. Verstraeten,
  • and Administrative Assistant J. Capes

The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

  • None

The Minutes of the meeting of November 10, 2020 were circulated for the Committee's information.  The Minutes have been approved at a prior Council meeting.

The Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) inspections for the Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant were reviewed by the Committee.

  • Recommendation 1

    THAT the JHSC Inspection Sheets for the Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant be received and filed. 


The Manager of Environmental Services (MES) was asked if there was an update regarding the private fire hydrants and valves; there are no updates due to COVID-19 restrictions.  Decisions will need to be made regarding providing services for private fire hydrants and valves before the water/wastewater bylaw can be updated and finalized.

The MES was asked if there was an update to the SCADA project to allow staff to remotely connect.  No updates have been available due to COVID-19, as the water/wastewater plant is only allowing access for emergency situations that may develop.

A question asked if the digester heat exchanger would be in the 2021 budget, or if it is expected to be an add on to the budget.  The MES replied that it would be an add on.  TSSA will need to approve the temporary repairs to the existing unit before it is operable.  The MES expects it will take at least six months to design and process a new heat exchanger. 

  • Recommendation 2

    THAT the Committee receive and file the Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Monthly Report.


The CAO reported that the water department budget will be discussed at tonight's Council meeting. Storm stations are the only remaining item for this committee to work on for budgeting purposes. The MES was asked to submit capital requests to the Treasurer before the end of the month, and to review the Operations budget to determine if there are additional reductions possible.

The next meeting of the Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee will be held February 9, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.

The Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 1:21 p.m.